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Per informazioni sui costi e relativi argomenti contattare la nostra segreteria al numero 02.49457527

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IE001           Internet Base

IN001          HTML Base

IN003          HTML Avanzato

DR001         DreamWeaver Base

DR003         DreamWeaver Avanzato

FP001          Frontpage Base

FP003          Frontpage Avanzato

WM013       Web Master Completo

FL013          Flash Completo

IR001           Internet – Intranet Base

XM001        XML Base

XM003        XML Avanzato



1 GG

3 GG

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3 GG

3 GG


Business Consulting Services S.r.l.

P.I. 07247520963 - Via Saccardo 9 - 20134 MILANO | Tel. 02 21006902  

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